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Lonniesʻ Testimony

Before and after pictures of Structural Spinal Sculpting By

Body Balancing for Scoliosis Therapy


The first set of before and after pictures here were of a person with life long severe scoliosis and these changes took place over a series of sessions.

This is the first view notice the deep cork screw at                            This is after several sessions of Body Balancing notice the more even               line of the spine without the deep dip in the lower back

the bottom of the spine that hooks to one side.

The above  pictures are after on the right and before on the left The leg length was restored to even in one session.


These are of another person before and after picture this time in one session.

The result of this session was relief of sciatica pain and shoulder pain



 The correct anatomical alignment of the posture is extremely beneficial in relieving stress on muscles that are not lined up correctly as we are originally designed to be. Notice in the first picture the head is way forward of the body, causing stress on the back of the shoulders and neck. This is one of the most common complaint areas any massage therapist encounters.  The proper alignment of the head is directly lined up with the shoulder  and the ear directly perpendicular to each other. So if you drew a line you would see they are directly on top of one another. This was accomplished in one massage. Also notice the back is much straighter as well naturally tucking the tummy more under.

These are still the same man before and after of his back. Notice one side is higher than the other in the first picture and more even after the Body Balancing for Scoliosis Therapy. These pictures are before and just after but in a fraction of a second the body sends fluid into the balanced area so a completely accurate picture is really not possible till the next day when the swelling is gone. Nevertheless there is a clear distinction between the two pictures. This one time balance lasted and is still to this day good as he has a strong muscular stature and no serious ligament damage making him unstable in his spine resulting in the need to be balanced again.



The next set this woman was in a strange car accident that dragged her for a bit. Notice in the first picture she has very uneven shoulders. They are normal and even in the second picture. This is after one Body Balancing and lomi lomi massage.

In theses two before and after shots you see the ankle bones do not line up in the first picture.  The second picture they are even showing the legs are now the same length and that is why her shoulders are now level as well


This is the back of the same woman before and after. You can clearly see a slant to one side of the back in the first picture, and it is corrected in the second. This one treatment changed this woman's life. It is my professional opinion that any person with a difference in their leg lengths are prone to have a hip replacement at some point; due to the uneven wearing of the leg bone in the hip socket. This is treatable in one session in most people and is the root of much pain and suffering that can be corrected very easily by Body Balancing. Falling, car accidents, and over exercise of the hamstrings without proper stretching to balance the muscles may result in a difference in the leg lengths. It has been my experience that anyone who has a leg length difference has a back curvature, to some degree. I believe they are connected.


These are some of the responses from massage clients about the changes and results of their being massaged with Hawaiian Lomi Lomi and

Body Balancing for Scoliosis Therapy.


New bride's text to me the day after massage;

"Thank you so much for the massage my husband remarked that my upper back was straight and I looked much taller, I feel so relaxed and I don,t have to fight to push my shoulders back they just naturally are! All the stress and pain is gone from my neck and shoulders that I told you was my big issue before the massage. Thanks for helping me so much."


School teacher's comments the day after  her treatment;

"Well I was complaining of sciatic pain and pain down my leg but it is all completely gone now and  I feel like I could walk for miles without pain."

 Injured golfer comment's;

"I could not even get through 9 holes because my back and legs killed me by the 2nd hole.  After a series of your treatments my body did not hurt and I could go to the Finnish of an armature tournament I desperately wanted to play in. So thank you for  getting me back out on the course again."

Vacationer one week from first appointment rebooks and gives me this testimony of her last week;

"Well I have had a lot of bodywork and massage in my time all over as I travel a lot. I experienced something completely different with your work. I was more than just temporarily or even sometimes only momentarily relaxed . The feeling lasted all week!!!  I had none of my normal back aches and sciatic pains they were just gone. I am amazed it's as if you went to the root of the problems and removed them."

Man at the next appointment after scar tissue removal from arm;

"Well I finally have complete range of motion in my shoulder and can throw a ball for my dog without the normal excruciating pain that used to accompany using my arm like that."

Miraculous Intervention by God This testimony was given to me shortly after the accident and recovery. Ten years later, I met this man again. He said he had no pain still to that day.  he was working and had no problems with his body at all. He also said that he had three other friends that were in the same accident.  All three of them were either on heavy pain meds, with permanent damage, or did not survive. We both gave God the glory for the miracle, as he once again felt the power of God coming though my hands. Please understand that this is by Gods will, and does not happen every time. 

"It's been years now since the accident where I broke my neck, back, tore my aorta, broken scapula & clavicle, cracked three ribs, bruised my liver, added a couple extra holes to the head, chipped teeth & concussion...crazy fall. I should have been dead & at least paralyzed but God had other plans luckily! Family, friends and community all came to my aid. I've been blessed by all of these people. Most notably my wife Lisa, Dr. Dave Saldania & Marguirite Pennington, who would donate their time & skills to my healing.

I was so incredibly fragile just after the accident & wearing my removable body cast.  As I took the cast off that was basically holding me together, I was very nervous of course. ""Too much pressure at any of my target areas could be catastrophic"", I was thinking.  As I lay there vulnerable on Marguirite's soft table she prayed over my broken body to the great physician in the sky...gently moving across the problem areas.  I immediately felt a peace and warmth emanating from her outstretched hands, though she hadn't even touched me yet. When she did massage me, it was with the skilled & deliberateness that could only come from experience & guidance from above. My mind and body at ease now. She donated her time, talent & compassion session after session. 

Today I am fully healed with absolutely no repercussions. In fact, only two months after the accident I was back to carpentry, spear fishing, hunting and enjoying a full life with my friends and beautiful family. 

Thank you Marguirite fo you healing touch & giving me my active life back!

God Bless

Bradley C. Voight"





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